In the backseat of my car, there was a box of my signature chocolate chip cookie, which was the farewell present for the contractor who had worked with me for few months. The cookie was most popular treat among what I used to cook for people, based on the Alton Brown’s famous recipe with my twist to make it only better. Because I had been able to learn a lot from him not only as professional, but human being, I was very disappointed to see him go.
However, little did I know was that he was not only one to leave, and for others including myself, the severance package had been prepared instead of chocolate chip cookie. It was 30st January, the day when I took the first ARE. Right after finishing the test, I got a phone call from my principal, who was not supposed to know my cellular phone number. I had no idea what was happening since I was out of office to install the security system in my house the previous day, and she only said to come down and talk, over and over again. And then, I came to realize that what she had wanted to talk with me and voila, so it happened.
The layoff of the firm had announced the previous day, and I was one of them of which number I could not reveal to anyone based on the agreement I had to make to get my severance package. I could avoid being in the middle of that tumultuous situation of layoff announcement as I had been out of office. Anyway, I became jobless all of sudden, and my days in United States for seven years ended very abruptly.
웃고 즐기는 사이 오늘이 바로 정리해고 1주년 기념일! 다니는 동안 회사도, 사람도 싫어져서 포트폴리오를 끝도 못 내면서 서너번 만들고 아예 건축 자체에 회의를 느낀 적이 많았으므로 알아서 플러그를 뽑아줬다는 사실에 대해서 감사는 하는데 이후의 삶은 불확실함의 연속이라서 신경이 좀 쓰이기는 하는구나. 어차피 삶은 +/-=0인 법이어서 스트레스를 주는 어떤 요인을 제거하면 또 다른 요인이 같은 만큼의 스트레스를 주기 마련이다. 그러므로 스트레스는 절대 삶에서 가시지 않는다. 그저 pick your poison이라는 말처럼 그나마 덜 싫은 스트레스와 그 요인을 부여잡고 가는 수 밖에, 터덜터덜.
좋아하지는 않지만 글은 늘 읽는 ESPN의 야구 필자 Buster Olney는 매년 스프링 캠프가 시작되면 그가 초보 기자였을 당시 Deion Sanders와 겪었던 해프닝에 대한 같은 글을 올리곤 하는데, 나도 매년 이 날이 되면 같은 글을 올려볼까… 저 글은 어디엔가 쓸 데가 있어서 나를 팔아먹어 극적인 상황을 만들려는 용도로 쓴 글의 일부분이다. 좀 웃기기는 하다. 회사를 떠나는 다른 사람에게 선물하려고 쿠키를 구웠더니 젠장 그 사람은 계약기간이 다 되어서 나가는 거기나 하지 나는 잘리는 거였잖아…
그 뒤로 회사는 계속 주춤거리고 있다는 얘기를 듣는다. 그렇겠지…
# by bluexmas | 2010/01/30 23:31 | Life | 트랙백 | 덧글(4)