may not be known very well, but Y will leave the States tomorrow morning.  Since announcing his departure, he has been asked a lot about his plan, future, and everything. After answering same things few times, he decided to come up with FAQ so that don’t have to answer same questions over and over again, so here they go…

1. What Y has been doing for last two months, since layoff?

Like other layoffs, he tried to find his new job for first few weeks, but after that, he decided to move on and spent most of his time to  ready to leave, like putting the house in the market. Other than that, he traveled all the up to portland, ME by driving, en route to upstate New York, including baseball hall of fame, and Raleigh, NC to see his first and only building ever get built, Raleigh Convention Center.

2. What he is gonna do after coming back?

Nothing Major. Most of his belongings shipped about recently and it will take more than a month for him to get, he will just take some rest until then. He said that he did not expect to find some job anytime soon, at least couple months. As he has been missing staying with parents, he found a house very close to his parents’ and stay there for a while. He is very excited to cook for his parents with his honed culinary skill for last ten years living away from them.

3. Then, what the his long-term plan?

He should put his career back on track right away not to be retarded. Let me quote him: “I always spend time to establish the plans and push myself so hard to keep it up, and nearly killed myself few times. Now I know it is meaningless to do that, so I have only two plans, make it simple: a. making no plans, b. don’t tell my plans to somebody else even if I have one.”

4. This is his last day, what he will do?

He has been staying motel nearby his house for few days after the stuff shipped out, and after finishing this FAQ session, he will stop by his house one last time to take out trashes, and then take care of some things, eat some food he always like to eat, and head to Drury Inn(Self-claimed hotel, but inn for damn sure!) Airport around 7 or 8 pm to watch Braves game after returning rental car. He may want to have few bottles of beer before going to bed, but not sure. He knows he has been drinking a little too much thanks to all the stresses he has been through last few months.

5. Ok, is there anything he likes to say to people who used to know him?

Heck Yeah: “I don’t want to make it to emotional, I am very well ready to be forgotten, like I never was there.”

누군가는 내가 이런 말들을 늘어놓기를 바랬을지도 모르지. ‘우와, 니들과 함께 일할 수 있었던 건 마치 신의 축복과 같았어. 난 니들을 영원히 잊지 못할거야아아….’

Fuck that.

지난 4일간, 짐을 빼고 집 근처 모텔에 머물렀는데 아침에 방을 빼려고 짐을 챙기다가 갑자기 싸가지 없는 충동이 일어 저 따위를 써서는 J에게 보내고는 사람들에게 돌려달라고 부탁했다. 그는 약 20명 정도의 사람들에게 저걸 돌렸는데, 그 가운데 단 한 명이 내게 답 메일을 썼다. 그럼 된거지 뭐.

며칠 동안 계속 그런 생각을 했었다. 대체 나는 얼마나 감상적일 수 있을까, 아니면 얼마나 감상적이어야만 할까… 기꺼이 들어줄 사람이 있다면 와인 몇 병을 따서 늘어놓고는 마시면서 지난 만 7년 동안의 얘기를 늘어놓을 수 있을까? 누군가 그 얘기를 듣는다면 ‘에 그만하면 감상적이어도 되겠네’ 라고 말해주기를 바라는 걸까… 모르겠다 나도.

 by bluexmas | 2009/04/08 19:20 | Life | 트랙백 | 덧글(2)

 Commented by liesu at 2009/04/08 23:31 

포스팅과 관련이 있는 내용일지 모르겠으나, 나이가 들면서.. 이곳에서 사람들과 부딪히고 공부하면서 (사회복지 공부해요..) 공허하지 않게 (이게 포인트) 내 이야기를 털어놓을 수 있다는게 얼마나 사람들에게 큰 위로가 되는가 하는 생각을 자주 하게 되요. 잘 들어가시길.

 Commented by bluexmas at 2009/04/12 09:54 

덕분에 잘 들어왔습니다. 웃기는게 저는 언제나 얘기를 하고 나면 참 공허하더라구요. 그래서 별로 얘기 안 하는 쪽으로 가죠…